Somersham Primary School Summer Fete

  • Date: Sat 17th Jun 2023
  • Time: 12:00 pm
  • Location: Somersham Primary School / Church Lane / Somersham / Ipswich / IP8 4PN
  • Contact: Jennie Hutchinson / / 07931857471

Somersham Primary School Summer Fete
Saturday 17th June 2023 12pm to 4pm – Free Entry!
Sorry no dogs
Live music from Phil Jackson
Learn how horseshoes are made with local Farrier Freddy Clark
Meet two beautiful Suffolk Punch horses
Father’s Day craft stall
Petting corner
Bar – BBQ – Sweetie Stall – Ice cream van – Strawberries & Cream stall – Cakes – Refreshments
Lots of traditional fete games and stalls – Raffle – Tombola