The beginner’s guide to Kombucha
The facts about this popular fermented drink Kombucha has created quite a buzz in recent years, along with other fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi. Kombucha can now be found on supermarket...
The facts about this popular fermented drink Kombucha has created quite a buzz in recent years, along with other fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi. Kombucha can now be found on supermarket...
By Professional psychotherapist and counsellor Linda Oram Most of us know what it feels like to be overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety; our heart races, our thoughts are obsessive and intrusive, and we forget...
I have been asked to write a piece on wellbeing during these difficult times. However, of course, none of this will prevent, treat or cure coronavirus. This unprecedented event has created anxieties about our...
Q: : I’ve been feeling unusually angry and irritable recently and it’s starting to have an effect on my relationships at home and work. Can you help? A: The pace and pressures of life...
health, q&a, angry, irritability, anxiety“Get checked out dad,” my daughters kept telling me. I had never thought about it and, despite the repeated plea, I never had time. And then I did. I got checked and everything changed....
open gardens, cancer, prostate, radiotherapy, gardenOne in six people in the UK experience some form of hearing loss. Your wife, husband or partner may be one of them. Untreated hearing loss does not only affect an individual’s quality of...
health, hearing loss, deafnessQ: : I’m a fussy eater, so I try to balance my diet with multi-vitamins from my local supermarket, but I wonder if it really does me any good – or am I just...
health, q&a, vitamins, fussy eaterThe Eastern Enterprise Hub, Ipswich, have recently unveiled a brass plaque naming Mendham “Suffolk’s Most Active Small Village 2015”. The award was given in recognition of the parish’s many weekly classes at the village...
sports, football, tennis, basketball, netball, keep-fit, PiYo, line dancing, mendham, TaiChi, active small village, activityQ: I keep getting acid reflux. Is there anything you can suggest to ease it? A: Some of the most helpful ways of dealing with acid reflux are purely practical. Always sit down to...
health, q&a, acid reflux