Wymondham Abbey
Walk Information

Starting Point: Wymondham Station Pay and Display Car Park, Cemetery Lane, Wymondham, NR18 0JX.
Grid Reference: OS Map 237 112011
Walk Length: 2.5 Miles / 4 Km
01. Turn left out of the car park and walk along Cemetery Lane. Turn right into the cemetery gates and walk through Wymondham Cemetery, keeping to the main path to walk under the arch between the two chapels. Continue along the main path to exit the cemetery, turning left on to Cemetery Lane and continue to the T-junction.
02. Keep left over the grass to access a good crossing place. Cross London Road and turn left to walk over the railway bridge. At Preston Avenue, turn right and walk about three-quarters of the way down the road, taking the footpath on the right between houses, immediately after no.28.
03. Walk through fields, with the hedge on your left, and views of the abbey ahead, to reach Lady’s Lane (fingerpost). Turn right on the lane and continue to White Horse Street, crossing a footbridge over the Mid Norfolk Railway.
04. At the roundabout turn left and walk towards the bridge, turning left immediately before it onto a footpath marked 2-10 White Horse Street. Walk along this footpath, following the River Tiffey, through Becketswell Meadow.
05. On reaching the road, turn right onto Becketswell Road and walk up the slight incline to the abbey. At the abbey gate on your right, go through the kissing gate and walk ahead to the left of the abbey. Exit the abbey grounds through a further kissing gate onto Church Street. Turn right and walk past the Green Dragon Pub to reach the Town Sign.
06. Turn right and immediately right again to enter Damgate. Continue past the Doric Lodge on your left. Shortly before the bridge, turn left into Friarscroft Lane. Walk up this lane to just pass Mons House on the left and turn right into a footpath marked to Windmill Surgery. Keep right round the surgery car park to reach London Road and turn left to proceed to the traffic lights.
07. Cross over using the pedestrian crossing and turn right to walk a short distance to turn into an opening on the left leading to a house and Tolls Meadow. Keep right at the fingerpost to enter Tolls Meadow. Follow the tarmac path to cross the bridge and continue ahead, using the steps to exit, turn left and walk back to the car park.
Disclaimer: Although this route was checked prior to publication, readers should check for local changes before they walk and ensure they walk within their capabilities.

Route by Sarah Liddington and Ruth Burn
Route checked by Mark Johnson
Photography by Mark Johnson